Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Little Things: Don't worry :)

I teach three and four year old's at my church on Wednesday Nights. I have been teaching them for almost two years now, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Those kids are the sweetest things! Though, I will admit, it defiantly has it's challenges. I prepare a lesson each week to teach them, and there are some weeks were I just grow weary and I want to just not do anything and not go to class that week. That is where I have to rely on Christ to get me through. And after every class, I NEVER regret going. :)  As adults, we tend to over look the little things in life. We get so wrapped up with school, work, families, kids, and so on, and we don't ever take time to just stop and take a look at the little things in life. Watching these kids week to week has reminded me about the little things in life. Seeing them run around on the playground, watching them color, watching them sing, and watching them practice what they learned reminds me of the verse in the Bible that talks about how we are not to worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has its own worries. Those kids remind me of that. They don't worry about what there friends think when they walk into class wearing a Cinderella Dress and cowboy boots, they don't worry if they color outside of the lines on their coloring page, they are just enjoying life and enjoying who they are. We can learn so much from kids. One thing is, little things: don't worry!! Little things sometimes seem to make us either have a really bad day or a really good day. Don't worry if you don't get your hair just right in the mornings, God still loves you! So, just take sometime each day and be thankful for the little things that are in our lives. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

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