Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Helping When Others Are In Need

I read a devotion online this morning that I got in my email and It was about this lady who was purchasing an item at one of her local stores. She knew one of the young girls that worked there and the young girl was in need of a ride home and before the girl could ask, the woman said that she could take the girl home. After I read the story and all the other things that were attached to the email, I stopped and thought, how many times in a day do I just think about me? I think about me a lot and I think that it is safe to say that you think a lot about you too. We are only human, it is natural to do that. But as a Christian and being one of God's own, we have a higher calling than that. We are called to help others in need and help those who need our help. Everyone helps someone else in their own way, some are able to give money and others are able to give up of their time. We all help and give to others in need in our own way. Here is my challenge to you today, take a minute and do something for someone else in need. Let's change our focus from a "me" focus to one that is not so focused on ourselves.

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