It is sometimes easy to forgive people when it has been so long since the offense had happened. In this case for me, it was easier to forgive. But, it is not always that easy to forgive.
As a child when I brothers and I would fight my mom would make us say sorry and forgive each other. I remember saying apologizing and forgiving and then under my breath say that I didn't mean it. I know now why my mom made us do that. She wanted us to not only learn how to forgive each other, but by forgiving each other we are being obedient to God.
Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
The basis for believers forgiving each other is the fact that we ourselves have been forgiven by God.
When someone comes seeking your forgiveness, you have the obligation to grant forgiveness and extend mercy--even if the person has sinned against you repeatedly and regardless of the sin. Your forgiveness of other is a prerequisite for your receiving God's forgiveness. God DOES forgive us!
We forgive others if we don't want to disobey God and break our fellowship with Him. The Lord doesn't direct evil against us, though He may chose to allow us to go through a trial resulting from our own sinful choices or from the sinfulness of the world we live in.
Another aspect of forgiving is forgiving ourselves. We have to be willing to forgive ourselves. Through forgiving ourselves, we open the door for God's glory and it provides a place for our own growth.
Love it best ingredient for forgiveness. Often the person wounded must forgive with an act of the will, giving time for working through feeling, and experiencing healing. This is not always easy and it can take time.
Forgiveness comes with the removal of past offenses from the mind, meditation on God's Word, giving our hurts over to God, praying for the offender (I know this is not always easy), and serving as a willing channel of God's grace. Revenge is NOT an option because God has promised that He will take care of judgement.
Meaningful forgiveness demands planning and thought. Forgiveness is the willingness to search for new solutions. We must be concerned with seeking forgiveness only for our wrong. We have to remember that a forgiving attitude does not excuse self, defend self, or accuse others.
Forgiveness is something that takes time. It is not something that we can master over night, but with the help and the guidance of Christ, it is something that we can become better at doing.
Seeking forgiveness frees you to receive God's mercy. Showing mercy by a forgiving spirit brings blessings from God and gratitude from the one forgiven. A forgiving spirit brings good to yourself and to others.
Britt Hatcher
Britt Hatcher