Monday, October 1, 2012

What's been going on?!?!

It has been quite some time since I have posted on here....actually about five months, entirely way to long. So, what's been going on?!?!?

Well, there has been a lot that has gone on in the past  five months.  When I lasted posted on here, I talked about how the trip that I had planned to go on this past  summer had been cancelled.  Well, I was able to just switch teams from the Ethiopia team to the Sierra Leone team. I left for the summer June 15th.  I was gone for seven weeks. After those seven weeks I was so ready to be back home, but there was a part of me that was left in the country of Sierra Leone.  There will forever be a piece of me that is left there. I pray that some day, I am able to return to the country of Sierra Leone and continue to minister to the people of the country.  There were so many things that I learned this past summer. One of the things that I learned is to rely fully on God, because I can NOT  do it on my own at all. I have to rely on him for all my strength.  Those are just some of the things that I learned and things that God taught me when I was gone this summer.

When I returned home I struggled with health problems.  Part of it was from a virus that I caught when I got back to America.  I was so exhausted, both mentally and physically.  There were other things that followed me being sick, but two months after being home, I am feeling so much better.  You don't know when Christ is going to call you home, so you need to take advantage of every moment that you have here on earth and serve him.  Life is short and you never know when you will be called home.  It is a good thing to just slow down and appreciate the little things and appreciate the people in your life.

Since I have been back I have also started school back.  Mid-Terms are QUICKLY approaching.  Some even this week.  My school career is getting much more difficult as I progress in my work, but I am getting closer and closer to attaining my goal.  This May I will graduate MCC with my Associates Degree and I am so very excited that I am finishing this part of my goal!!!

There are so many things that I could write about, but time does not always allow for it unfortunately.  There is so much that is going on in the world today and there is also a lot that is going on politically. I am looking forward to my later blogs about some of the things that are going on politically in America as well as some other things. :)

Until then....God Bless.

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