Thursday, June 27, 2019

I will in a Minute Mommy

"I will in a minute Mommy!"  That is what Reagan said to me as I was folding the laundry this morning.  I had folded some of her clothes and I had called to her to come get them and put them away.  Her response was, "I will in a minute Mommy."  She was not being rude or unkind when she said  that to me, she was just letting me know that she was going to but she didn't want to stop playing to do it. 

She didn't want to stop what she was doing, to do what she was told.  My mom told me as I got older, that she learned the most about God by being a parent.  And now as a mom, I get it.  (Thanks mom!) 

As I stood there waiting on Reagan to come get the laundry, it made me this what God does to us? He calls us by name, asking us to listen to Him? 

God calls us by name to follow him, part of that is putting him first.  As a mom I find it difficult sometimes to put God first in the mornings.  I look at him and say, "I will in a minute God", "I need to do this first", "I have to have my coffee", "I don't have the time right now" and the list can go on.  Just like Reagan told me she would in a minute, how often do we tell God "in a minute"? I do this all too often.

God wants us to put Him first in the mornings and listen to him.  God does not want us to look at him and say God I will in a minute.   God wants us to say, "yes,  I will".   When we give God our first, we are blessed.  Proverbs 16:20 "Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers, and blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD."  

Just like I gave Reagan a simple instruction, God gives us one...Put me first!  That's all he wants us to do!  Imagine the blessings that will come down upon our lives and our families when we listen and put God first and not last in our lives! 

Live Blessed! 


Sunday, June 9, 2019

Mommy, It was About a Snake!

The other morning I was getting ready for work and Reagan came up to me because she had a bad dream.  "Mommy, I had a bad dream."  I responded, "Honey, what was your dream about?"  She proceeded to tell me that she had a bad dream about a snake.   

As my daughter was telling me about her dream, I caught myself kinda of chuckling (without her seeing).  In my mind it was so silly.  It is just a snake.  In my daughter's world, this was a big deal.

I didn't want her to think that I didn't care that she had a bad dream, I wanted her to know that I care.  I bent down and told her that it was just a dream and that she had nothing to worry about.  I gave her a hug and a kiss and we kept going with our day.  

Just as I comforted my daughter, that is what God does for us.   Proverbs 18:10 says "The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe."  God is our strong tower, he is there when we need comforted.  How often do we run to him though?  

I would be lying if I said that I run to Him every time I needed comfort.  We tend to run to other people, food, drinking, social media, etc.  Where do you fall in those list of things?  God is the one that we need to be running to, but we don't.  Why don't we?   He is our Father, he is the one who cares the most about us.  Yet, we choose not to.  Why do we choose that?   

I have found that in my own life it is because I am embarrassed and I am worried about feeling like a failure in front of God.  But he knows everything, so why should I be?

Just like Reagan came to me with her bad dream to be comforted, we need to run to our Heavenly Father when we need to be comforted. Take a moment to think about what or whom that you run to when you need to be comforted.  Is it God or something/someone else?