Wednesday, May 27, 2015

BIG Decisions

Life is full of decisions, what am I going to eat, what am I going to wear, where am I going to go to college, am I going to go to college, who am I going to marry, the list goes on and on and on.  Each day we are faced with decisions, some are small simple decisions and other are much harder to decide.

I think back to when I would make decisions as a child, they were simple things like what color crayon do I use to color this flower but, as I have grown and become an adult my decisions have become much bigger and much more difficult to make.

A couple months ago I was presented with an opportunity for a Masters program at my college, and I had a decision to make whether or not I was going to jump at this opportunity.  For me at the point that I am at in my life this was a big decision to make.  If I said yes to this opportunity this would spring board me father into my teaching career and I would be done quicker with my Masters Degree but, at the same time how would I pay for the classes, would this take away time from my family, would I be able to balance my Undergraduate classes along with the new classes.  These and so many more questions were running through my mind. I became overwhelmed and anxious about making a decision.

As I was becoming anxious, I was reminded of Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Oh what a sweet reminder that was!!  Do NOT be anxious, present your requests to God.  Thank you Lord for that! That is just what I needed to be reminded of at that time.

I prayed about this decision that I had in front of me and the Lord directed my path and has blessed me the opportunity to be in the Masters program.

The Lord wants us to come to Him with anything and everything.  He is our rock and refuge.  When we have BIG decisions to make He wants us to come to him.  Sometimes I try to make and figure out BIG decisions on my own, and I find that all too often I crash and burn.

Before jumping into a BIG or small decisions and opportunities, we, as believers, have the opportunity to present those before God and pray about what we are supposed to do with those decisions.   God is with us and He will guide us with every decision both BIG and small in our lives.