Sunday, June 2, 2013

Follow The Leader

As a child one of the games that I really enjoyed playing was follow the leader.  For me I LOVED to lead, as I still do today, but often I found it really hard to follow sometimes.

I really enjoyed being the leader and I did not necessarily want to follow someone else. Often I have found that a lot of children more often than not would rather be the leader and not the follower.

Just like as a kid when I found it hard to play follow the leader when I was not the one leading, I find it hard to follow Christ where he leads me.

Many times in the New Testament Christ is saying "Come, follow me." Matthew 16: 24 "Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.' "  That is just one place that Jesus is telling someone to follow him.

Christ calls us to follow him in many ways.  Some are called to be foreign missionaries, domestic missionaries, teachers, doctors, and many other places.  We are called to follow him and be his light.  Though many times it is hard to pick up our things and follow Christ where He leads, it will always be worth it in the end for our joy and His Glory.

When I think about all of this, there are two families that come to mind, the Dyar's and the Pestotnik's.  Both of these families were called to go over seas to the mission field.  Each of the families picked up and moved over seas. I can't even begin to imagine what kinds of thoughts each of these families had when God called them to go. But what an example they are of following Christ!!

When Christ is calling me to follow Him, I will admit that sometimes it is not where I want to be or what I want to be doing.  But it is in those times that I have to remember that is HE is my leader and I am the follower and I am to follow him where ever he leads me!

Are you leading? Or are you following the ultimate leader?